Earth Day

April 22, 2020 marks the 50th celebration of Earth Day.

source: CC/Wikimedia/TheOriginalSoni

Although it is pretty insignificant in relation to the entire universe, less than a grain of sand in the ocean of space, the Earth is pretty important to us– it is the only home we have.  All human beings should celebrate the Earth, and protect it.

Find out more:

Need help finding an eBook, digital audiobook, or other online library resources?

Source: Wikimedia / CC / Maximilian Schönherr

Need help finding an eBook, digital audiobook, or other online library resources? We can help you browse, select, locate and access all sorts of online resources, including fiction and non-fiction. Read the ebook version, or listen to the digital audiobook version of novels for teens.

For help, contact Mr. Sexton, your Teacher Librarian:

Yom HaShoah

Yom HaShoah, or Holocaust Remembrance Day, is the day that Jews around the world remember the six million who perished in the Holocaust.  This year Yom HaShoah begins on the evening of April 20 and continues until sundown on April 21.

Holocaust RemembranceSource: CC / Sienda
Source: CC / Sienda

Find out more about the Holocaust, the systematic mass-murder of more than 6 million Jews, and other groups, targeted by the Nazis and their allies:

The Library is Still Open!

The physical space may be locked up for now, but your School Library is still open.  Please be sure to check out the various links to the virtual world of the library and your Teacher Librarian, Mr. Sexton.

As you make your adjustment to remote learning, remember that along with your classroom teachers, you have many other people and resources available to help you with this new experiment in education.

Contact Mr Sexton if you have any questions or need any help with navigating the virtual library.